8 and 9 of November 2023 Donostia - San Sebastian

Home / Programa / Support and emergency ZHLDatuGunea - The Zaintza HerriLab Federated Sociosanitary Data Space:
Design, Development and Pilot Scheme at Pasaia HerriLab.

Wednesday 8, November

16:20 PM Room 2

Support and emergency ZHLDatuGunea - The Zaintza HerriLab Federated Sociosanitary Data Space:
Design, Development and Pilot Scheme at Pasaia HerriLab.

Assistance and care



ZHLDatuGunea is an innovative ICT platform enabling the creation of federated sociosanitary data spaces.

The main objective of this solution is to boost the coordination of home care for the elderly, permitting data to be exchanged lawfully and securely among operators comprising the town's care ecosystem.

Specifically, ZHLDatuGunea creates federated public-private-community data spaces to enable operators in each local care ecosystem to share the assistance data of users in order to provide better care and living standards for users, and make care more efficient and sustainable.


Ibermática S.A.

A company specialising in digital services and IT Services Integrator. Digital Transformation in sociosanitary management and assistance.

Ibermática S.A. developed ZHLDatuGunea for the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council via a tender, “2022KOER0058 - Development, commissioning, pilot scheme and assessment of a Federated Platform", as part of the official framework of "Selection of contractor company or companies to provide services entailing technical assistance, consultancy work and IT development for the various customers served by Izfe, S.A.” (Reference: 200011).

Development also received economic aid from the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Ad hoc solution:

Emergency assistance intercommunication from rooms at a sociosanitary centre to sociosanitary staff, and also from homes to care staff.

It also has sensors to prevent and detect falls, anomalies and patterns of behaviour. It can likewise serve as a tool for cognitive, social and physical stimulation, but does not blindside family and professional carers.



20 Presentations

40 Workshops

We look forward to seeing you
at Adinberri Silver