8 and 9 of November 2023 Donostia - San Sebastian

About Adinberri


This is an instrument attached to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the society in the territory, aiming to make a strategic contribution in terms of examining and using an innovative approach to address the longevity revolution (in addition to several associated phenomena), and the challenge and opportunity this represents. This task will be carried out from the social sociosanitary and economic prespective (Silver Economy). It will entail an Ageing Reference Centre geared towards active experimentation with new care models and job creation. We face a challenge on a huge scale, which is seen as an opportunity from both the social and the econocmic prespective


The response to this major challenge lies in:

  • Generation of knowledge: Focusing on R+D+i; Launching programmes in areas of knowledge facilitating specialisation in order to develop the opportunities detected (4 areas of opportunity have been indentified); Increasing the number of people capacitated; Boosting continous training in new skills and profiles; Boosting regulated training in new profiles.

  • Knowledge transfer: Boosting the development of network programmes; Facilitating demonstrators in real contexts; Boosting the implementation of cross-border programmes.

  • Backup for entrepreneurial and social development: Driving integration in the sociosanitary sector; Advising on the real needs of the +55s; Implementing mechanisms for innovative puclic procurement; Boosting finance to help develop and sell new products and service, including globalisation and investment.

  • Driving demand: Driving demand through awareness.

20 Presentations

40 Workshops

We look forward to seeing you
at Adinberri Silver