Wednesday 8, November
15:50 PM Room 2
This boosts health and wellness throughout the entire life cycle, with a particular focus on the elderly. That is why we are presenting a total of eight digital solutions designed for specific purposes by sociosanitary professionals. The digital solutions presented are based on advanced analysis of data and artificial intelligence to provide customised services. Some examples feature recommendation systems for a healthier life, modules to be used alongside rehab therapies, identification solutions using facial recognition, modules to improve facial gesticulation therapy etc.
DigiHEALTH is a suite of digital services to boost health and wellness throughout the entire life cycle, with a particular focus on the elderly. That is why we are presenting a total of eight digital solutions designed for specific purposes by sociosanitary professionals.
The digital solutions presented are based on advanced analysis of data and artificial intelligence to produce customised services. Some examples feature recommendation systems for a healthier life, modules to be used alongside rehab therapies, identification solutions using facial recognition, modules to improve facial gesticulation therapy etc.