Thursday 9, November
13:00 PM Room 2
We use Virtual Reality, Interactive 3D Films and Cognitive Sensorial Activities to create customised interactive emotional experiences to empower users and boost their autonomy. Creation of scenarios with much cognitive activity (decision-making, rationalisation of emotions, orientation, co-creation, interaction with the community etc.).
An original high-quality human programme to safeguard health and foster culture and leisure, by means of Virtual Reality, Interactive 3D Films and Cognitive Sensorial Activities. The system uses new technologies to overcome the digital gap and loneliness, create community, family and intergenerational relations. The product can also adapt the service to senior citizen homes. “AVENTURAS SENSORIALES INTERACTIVAS” targets the European market.
Sold through companies running senior homes, apartments for the elderly, home care, private accommodation etc. Activities to train professionals are carried out offline and/or online, with no time restrictions, providing the residences with a programme of dynamic activities, which are user-friendly and non-repetitive for all residents. Sales format through temporary sessions, long-term hire and/or online sales.