Wednesday 8, November
17:40 PM Room 2
Dependency insurance and accident insurance offering 200 hours of home care service, a special website space for this group etc.
Value proposition pinpointing the insurance and finance requirements of the senior community from a global perspective.
Specific products for the senior community, newly created in response to the needs identified. Totally innovative in today’s market:
Dependency policy:
Targeting customers between the ages of 55 and 75. A lifetime plan providing benefits as annuities or lump sums, covering the risk of Severe Dependency and Major Dependency, and also Moderate Dependency.
There is also an option of cover in the event of death for any reason, enabling the policy to be surrendered. Accident policy for seniors +55: targeting customers between the ages of 55 and 80, with cover and additional services for this sector of the population.
These types of policies give peace of mind and economic-financial security for the future of our seniors.